Hello Developer | Reader | Creator | Explorer! I was going through cloud servers on Internet, as it becomes very difficult to manage everything on shared hosting. Amazon AWS is one of the providers of cloud services, which has a scheme of pay as you use. Amazon AWS includes a lot many web servirces like, Api Gateway, SNS(Mobile Messaging), S3(Strorage), etc. AWS has almost all those reuirements which a developer would require. And also the best part is Amazon AWS gives 12 months free access to its web services. In this post we will discuss about creating an Account on Amazon AWS and setting up with cloud on EC2 (a service of amazon aws which provides cloud computing). Amazon EC2 cloud computing, that includes a public ip and a free domain(domain would be somthing like ec2-bla-bla.bla-bla.amazonaws.com) Follow these steps to create Amazon Account:- Create a amazon AWS account go here https://aws.amazon.com/ on top left click on sign in to console. Afte...